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Informal STEM Learning In Nevada: A Concept Paper

As Nevada transitions to a new vision for science education, there is an opportunity to understand education practices that promote STEM literacy. STEM education emphasizes the natural interconnectedness of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and their connection to other disciplines . This integrated approach to education is critical to growing Nevada’s STEM-capable workforce, as well as achieving the broader goal of supporting a STEM-literate citizenry, capable of making informed decisions in the face of increasingly complex societal issues. STEM literacy can only be achieved through a comprehensive approach that includes formal and informal learning experiences. This Concept Paper describes the principles that guide Informal STEM Learning and its unique strengths that may be leveraged in achieving the goal of a STEM-literate society.



STEM education occurs within two spheres: formally, in a classroom setting as a part of the daily adopted curriculum, and informally (both in and out of classroom) throughout a learner’s life. Informal STEM Learning (ISL) environments may include museums, zoos, aquariums, nature centers, science centers, and youth, community, and out-of-school programs. Many of these ISL’s provide opportunities that are designed, developed, and delivered to support STEM disciplines. For example, ISL may include the interpretation of content related to STEM disciplines and STEM literacy, such as an interpretive panel at Hoover Dam describing the engineering practices and technologies used to plan and build the dam. ISL provides rich opportunities to connect Nevadans with place. Through the power of these ISL experiences, ISL providers benefit Nevada STEM careers and professions and support lifelong learning.

There is a need in Nevada for an Informal STEM Learning Network to support and promote ISL providers. This Network would facilitate communication, resource sharing, partnerships, and advocacy as well as help take advantage of funding opportunities. Building this Network requires the identification and use of a common set of taxonomy, lexicon, and best practices. Professionals in the state can use this common language to successfully communicate with STEM stakeholders.
To this end, a subcommittee of the Nevada STEM Coalition is working with Informal STEM educators throughout Nevada to present a vision for Informal STEM Learning in Nevada. This diverse group of ISL providers has developed this Concept Paper to present a set of collective values in an effort to strengthen the profession, communicate its offerings, and support the fundability of ISL in Nevada.

Because of the interdisciplinary nature of STEM, we acknowledge that art and the humanities provide important perspectives which can help us learn and apply STEM core ideas. However, to remain consistent with language most commonly used by the Informal Learning community, this concept paper focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.

PDF – STEM Learning Is Everywhere Summary of a Convocation on Building Learning Systems



ISL values include those embedded in the following definition of formal STEM education (from the Nevada Department of Education):
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education focuses on active teaching and learning, centered on relevant experiences, problem-solving, and critical thinking processes.

STEM education emphasizes the natural interconnectedness of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and their connection to other disciplines, to produce informed citizens that possess and apply the necessary understandings to expand Nevada’s STEM-capable workforce in order to compete in a global society.
ISL providers value teaching practices that are active, experiential, inclusive, participatory, and that champion scientific, mathematical, and engineering practices while integrating technologies. Other ISL guiding principles include:

• Real-world application of concepts: The resources and environments of ISL facilitate student engagement in the context of the real world, which can be leveraged by formal educators tasked with including practice, skill development, dialogue and observation.
Example: learners work with a mentor to engineer and build a robot able to successfully contend in the annual FIRST Robotics Competition.

• Unique experiences: ISL supports learning through unique experiences that learners might not find in a formal or more traditional setting.
Example: a family participates in a citizen science project by finding and recording different species of ladybugs.

• Authentic experiences: ISL utilizes activities, venues, and materials that are contextualized within place, resources, and community.
Example: learners hear from a primary source witness at a location about a historically important event, or stand next to life-sized models of dinosaurs to experience the impact of their true size.

• Rich experiential context: ISL provides learners with the opportunity to gain information through experience and observation.
Example: learners collect evidence along a stream to develop a model of surface erosion and deposition.

• Reflective practice: ISL provides an ethic of focused program reflection and evaluation, using feedback in future decision making.
Example: a curator conducts a formative assessment to inform the planning of a museum exhibit.

• Professional growth: ISL provides an ethic of professional development to understand and incorporate best practices in supporting informal STEM learning.
Example: a Program Assistant attends a workshop to gain knowledge and skills to become a Certified Interpretive Guide.


A strong ISL community provides rich experiences that strengthen classroom learning. ISL providers have the freedom to engage in different and often more context-rich and authentic learning experiences likely to capture student interest and provoke curiosity. ISL is not bound by formal education goals or assessments, but rather the missions and mandates of ISL providers. However, these often result in experiences which are aligned with and responsive to formal education needs. ISL can also include opportunities for multi-generational and life-long learning experiences.

In addition to measuring acquisition of knowledge, ISL providers can also measure changes in behavior, beliefs, and attitudes. Understanding how all these factors work together to influence student learning is important to both the formal and informal communities.


Sense of Place — ISL ties STEM concepts to specific places, evoking memories and connections that strengthen community.
Content Specialists — Many ISL providers have specialized content experts in a variety of STEM fields. Many are dynamic speakers and excellent communicators, providing different perspectives and serving as role models with a level of authority about a place.
Inclusive — ISL is responsive to diverse interests, needs, populations, and experiences of learners.
Flexibility — ISL programs are less-encumbered by prescribed and prioritized curriculum; they are nimble and able to take advantage of teachable moments.
Collaborative — ISL providers and programs encourage shared learning experiences amongst classmates, families, friends and communities.
Engaging — ISL promotes learning through active engagement in authentic and enjoyable experiences.
Interface — Many ISL experiences provide opportunities to connect community and formal education, creating shared experiences and serving to align goals and respond to dynamic situations.
Lifelong Learning — ISL providers and experiences provide and support lifelong learning.


Learning science in informal environments : people, places, and pursuits. 2009. Philip Bell [et al.], editors; Committee on Learning Science in Informal Environments, Board on Science Education, Center for Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. National Research Council (U.S.).
Children and Nature Network abstracts (

STEM Programs and Events for Families

Northern and Eastern Nevada

Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park
NC 61 PO Box 61200, Austin, NV 89310. 775-964-2012. 23 miles east of Gabbs, via State Route 844. Berlin is a Nevada Ghost Town, and the park highlights fossils of Ichthyosaurs, prehistoric marine reptiles. “A nature trail connects to campground to the Fossil Shelter, information and viewing windows are available at the Fossil Shelter if you cannot attend a scheduled tour.”
Camp Lotsafun
“Providing recreational, therapeutic, and educational opportunities for individuals with disabilities. ” Office in Reno, Grizzly Creek Ranch is at Eagle Lake, CA.
Children’s Museum of Northern Nevada – Carson City
Donner Memorial State Park. Camping, picnicking, boating, fishing, water-skiing, and hiking. Park is closed May 1-May 15, 2013 for road repairs. Self guided nature train. Nature trail guides are available at the museum and campground entrance station. Feature shows and campfires start in late June.
FIRST Nevada
(Robotics programs and competition). Exciting national program offering after school and in school robotics programs and competition! Growing program in northern Nevada. Contact Dee Freewert
Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center
Star Theatre and free exhibits. located on the UNR campus in Reno. Preschool activities, field trips and birthday parties, live Sky Tonight Star Talks first Friday of the month at 6 pm. Science store.
Fort Churchill State Historic Park
“Explore Nevada’s Emigrant and Native American History.” A site for school field trips as well as families. Explore Nevada’s history along the Carson River in this “crossroads of major events when it was built in 1860. The Pony Express and emigrant trails passed through this base for troops at the start of the Civil War. The buildings are in ruins. Three plant communities are here, from Floodplain River Terrace, riparian community, and Upland Scrub. User fees for entrance, camping, picnicing and group use. No collection of plants, animals, rocks, minerals, and artifacts. Pets allowed.
Galena Creek Visitor Center and Park
Campfire series, naturalist-led hikes and Youth Summer Day Camp. Trails and picnic areas
Gatekeeper’s Museum
130 West Lake Boulevard, Tahoe City, CA. This is a reconstruction of the original gatekeeper’s cabin for the Watermaster who controlled the flow of water from Lake Tahoe to the Truckee River. ” …the cabin showcases Tahoe history, from the Washoe people through the logging and mining eras and the establishment of the tourism industry at Lake Tahoe.”
Get in the Act!
Musical Theater Camps. contact Diane Handzel at 775-588-8614. Some of their programming has included science.
Great Basin Institute
Offers interdisciplinary environmental field studies, courses, and workshops for university students, K-12 learners and educators and the public. See also Galena Creek Visitor Center. Campfire series, naturalist-led hikes and Youth Summer Day Camp
Kids Fishing Derby
sponsored by the Hahontan National Fish Hatchery in Gardnerville the last weekend in May for children ages 3-12.
Kidzone Museum
11711 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA. Fun classes, workshops and events. Check out their programs page. Exploratorium Class for ages 3-5 with their parents on Tuesdays from 10-11 am. Summer Natural Science and Art Camps for 2013 that are designed to “encourage our children to conserve and protect the environment and to become wise stewards of the earth’s natural resources.” New “Scientastic” program includes special programs by the Lawrence Hall of Science.
McCarran Ranch Preserve – A Healthy River for Wildlife and People
On the Truckee River east of Reno. Open to the public! See the project that restored the river’s natural ecosystem including river flow and restoration of vegetation, animals and birds. their website offers things to do and how to plan your visit.
National Automobile Museum
775-333-9300, located at 10 South Lake Street, Reno. Don’t miss this! “200 eye-popping cars with authentic street scenes and sounds.” Think about all the engineering that went into creating the modern automobile!
Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office
Their website home page has some cool videos on the Devil’s Hole pupfish, Mojave Population of the Desert Tortoise, Mojave Desert Tortoise Hatching, Sage Grouse Life History. They offer a number of education events and programs. To schedule call 775-861-6300. 702-515-5450. Check out their Let’s go Outside Website
Nevada Museum of Art – E.L. Cord Museum School. Numerous, ongoing programs for youth. The STEM Coalition supports the strong connection between the arts and science.
Nevada Outdoor
We inspire exploration of the natural world, responsible stewardship of our habitat and dedication to community. Contact us to see what adventures, events and volunteer opportunities we have available for your family.
Reno Parks Summer Camps
Reno’s Department of Parks, Recreation, and Community Services offer summer camps for kids 6-15 years old. Contact Kevin at 775-334-2262
Sierra Nevada Journeys
Camps and Programs for educators and students
Sparks Heritage Museum
814 Victorian Avenue, Sparks, NV. History of Sparks 775-355-1144
Sparks Parks and Recreation Day Camps
“kids out-of-school programs including arts, and crafts, swimming, field trips, bowling, active games, Wild Island water slides and golf, skating, special guests and more. 775-353-2376.
Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum
Exciting hands-on activities for the entire family in seven amazing galleries- downtown Reno. Holiday, Vacation, and summer camps available along with weekly museum programming.
Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC)
Run by UC Davis, is located at 291 Country Club Drive, Incline Village, NV. Annual SCIENCE EXPO every March with hands-on science investigations and experiments for children ages 6-12 and their families.
Tahoe Maritime Museum. 5205 West Lake Blvd, Homewood, CA. 530-525-9253. Classic wooden boats from late 19th century to the 1960’s and maritime memorabilia. “Hands-on crafts for kids, knot tying wall and maritime history video. Free for kids 12 and under, $5 admission. Next door to Homewood Mountain Resort.
UNR Anthropology Department Research Museum. Located in the Ansari Business Building, room 528. Free admission. For more information call 775-784-6704. You can also access a virtual tour of the museum on their website.
UNR College of Engineering Summer Camps. These have waiting lists, so don’t delay! Engineering will soon be a part of our public school science curriculum.
Urban Roots.“From planting and harvesting to preparing what we grow, Urban Roots follows food from seed-to-table, empowering students to answer the question, “Where does our food come from?” This question becomes more and more complex, Urban Roots makes it simple again with garden education that connects us to our health, classrooms, environment, and community.”
VSA Arts of Nevada- Art workshops and camps for kids. Check out their website for many, many opportunities and programs! The STEM Coalition supports a strong connection between the arts and sciences.
Wilbur D. May Center. Traveling science exhibits at the museum
W.M Keck Museum, UNR, in the Mackay School of Mines Building. “Houses an outstanding collection of minerals, ores, fossil specimens and phtographs, in addition to mining related relics. A Visitor’s Guide to the W.M Keck Earth Science and Mineral Engineering Museum

Southern Nevada

FUTURE CITIES ENGINEERING. Future Cities Engineering Competition.
The mission of the National Engineers Week Future City Competition is to provide middle grade students the opportunity to work as junior engineers on an authentic civil engineering project. Teams of 6th-8th grade students partner with teacher coaches and mentor engineers to research, design, model, and present their visions of cities 150 years into the future.
FIRST Nevada. (Robotics programs and competition). Exciting national program offering after school and in school robotics programs and competition!
The Springs Preserve is the premier place in Las Vegas to explore the valley’s vibrant history through interactive science and nature exhibits, botanical gardens, and more.
Las Vegas Natural History Museum. The Las Vegas Natural History Museum is a private, non-profit institution dedicated to educating the children, adults and families of the community in the natural sciences – both past and present. Through its interactive exhibits, educational programs and the preservation of its collections, the Museum strives to instill an understanding and appreciation of the world’s wildlife, ecosystems and cultures.
Lied Discovery Children’s Museum.
Master Gardeners of Southern Nevada
Outside Las Vegas Foundation The Outside Las Vegas Foundation is working with partners to develop experiences that help connect our Valley’s young people to the special outdoor places in southern Nevada.
Pea Brain Education. STEM camps and classes.
The CSN Planetaruim- Southern Nevada’s only public planetarium! They present programs to the general public and the local schools on our domed screen. The theater features an Evans & Sutherland Digistar 5 high definition hemispheric video projection system that creates virtual realities on the dome surrounding the audience.
Wetlands Park The Clark County Wetlands Park provides lush habitats for over 300 species of plants and animals while improving the quality of our water supply.
The Clark County Wetlands Park award-winning Education programs teach youngsters and adults about wildlife and the ecology of the Las Vegas Wash through engaging, interactive programs that promote a sense of place and a connection to nature. Our offerings for adults, families, children, students and teachers include guided discovery walks, family programs, events, art, recreation programs, and opportunities to be involved in meaningful stewardship projects.

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