
hot off the press!

Classroom Videos Demonstrating Transitions to NGSS by Achieve, Inc. and the Teaching Channel Learn more


New NGSS Accelerated Model Course Pathways developed by Achieve, Inc. and education partners to guide educators seeking to organize NGSS performance expectations  Learn more


STEM Hiring Firms

Businesses are looking for those who have STEM related backgrounds. STEM Is important for those seeking careers in technology and fintech verticals. Some of the hiring firms we have include High Risk Merchants,, Green Business Funding Source.

NGSS Info for Parents and Community

Pre-K through Grade 6

A collection of resources aimed at children ages 4-11, these links will provide educators with the tools they need to give students an early advantage in science, math, and engineering.

Middle Grades

For junior high students, this list of resources will expand students’ growing knowledge of the core STEM focus while preparing them for next step in education.

High School

Specifically tailored to the growing minds of high school students, these resources provide a greater diversity of topics amongst the three core subjects of science, math, and engineering.

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10 - 11
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13 - 14