
Who We Are

The Nevada STEM Coalition is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2006 by Gathering Genius, Inc., whose mission is to promote leadership and collaboration among business, community, education, and government stakeholders to develop nationally recognized science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education for ALL Nevada students that leads to a robust Nevada economy.


“ALL Nevada students have the skills necessary for the jobs of the future.”

We are especially concerned that all students receive equitable access to STEM formal and informal learning. All Nevada students are provided the inspiration and opportunity to attain the necessary skills in STEM to be productive in their personal, work and civic lives. We look forward to the day when Nevada produces the skilled and innovative STEM workforce required to develop an internationally competitive and diversified economy that attracts key industries to our state.



Gathering Genius, Inc. founded to build student interest and competitiveness in STEM through science fairs.


Competed nationally and won the opportunity to host the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Reno–a three year project of planning and fundraising! Raised over $1,000,000 and hosted what was said to be one of the most successful fairs in 20 years in the spring of 2009.


Sponsored teachers with training and funds to mentor students competing in their regional Nevada fairs.


Held “town hall” meetings to identify the interest in creating a statewide STEM Coalition and Network for our state. Brought the Executive Director of the National Alliance of State Science and Math Councils as guest speaker for stakeholders in business, education, government and community.


Raised $100,000 and hosted the first annual statewide STEM Summit for over 200 stakeholders from government, community, education and business. Published a summit report that documents the needs and recommendations from participants. Raised $25,000 and hosted two of three planned workshops to develop a two-year strategic plan for a statewide STEM Network. Researched and built a STEM Coalition Website.
MAJOR SPONSORS: NV Energy, Southern Nevada Water Authority, Newmont Mines, Barrick Gold, Nevada Dept. of Education, Trinity Applied Internet, & DRI


Launched major fundraising campaign for Strategic Plan. Was influential in the unanimous passage of SB345, creating a Nevada STEM Advisory Council. Provided research and testimony in support of the bill. Held two August workshops (north and south NV) with STEM education experts to create best practice guidelines for STEM classrooms and STEM schools.


Launched recruitment of STEM teachers and STEM professionals for website directories to connect educators with each other and with STEM speakers, mentors and volunteers (partners include DRI GreenPower, Dream It Do It Nevada, Northern Nevada Boy Scouts, and Clark County School district. Revising and growing the website to become the HUB of a statewide STEM communications network. Partnering with organizations such as Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities and The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., to develop recommendations for state investment and organization for STEM education. Raised $78,000 to build out STEM communications network. Invited by the Innevation Center powered by Switch to house our office. Launched committee of statewide partners to develop guidelines for quality informal STEM education. MAJOR SPONSORS: NV Energy, Newmont Mines, Barrick Gold, Union Pacific, UNR Raggio Research Center for STEM Ed., Innevation Powered by Switch, Trinity Applied Internet

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